Empower Your Family’s Postpartum Journey:

A Comprehensive Guide for New Parents

Give Your Baby the Best Start in Live while Strengthening Your Relationship and Supporting Your Well-Being

  • You want what’s best for your baby from day one!

    If you’re like me, you have spent ages learning everything about your pregnancy and baby’s development, and are carefully crafting a plan for your ideal birth. We do everything we can for our baby before they arrive, let’s do the same for when they’re finally in our arms.

  • Designed by Experts, Tailored for You

    This course was created by a licensed maternal mental health specialist and doula who supports women and families navigate the transition to parenthood.

    The content is comprehensive and relevant to growing families and is based on research and reliable sources.

    • Step by Step guidance to transform anxiety into confidence

    • Expert Interviews

    • Interactive Worksheets

    • A Plan Tailored to Your Family

Beyond Birth: Your Guide to Thriving Postpartum
One time

Discover how to craft the perfect family space, nurture the baby's and your well being and feel empowered in this beautiful new chapter of life.

✓ Create the perfect sanctuary for your baby’s growth
✓ Avoid the most common postpartum mistakes
✓ Create a deeper bond with your newborn and partner
✓ 21 videos and worksheets to guide your learning
✓ 30 day money back guarantee

A Personal Note From Hannah

I created this course because it’s what I didn’t know I needed when I had my first baby.

I entered postpartum without adequate support in place and struggled with anxiety and navigating partnership and parenthood.

Looking around I assumed every mother felt the same way and were handling it better than me.

Fast forward to getting out of the fog and realizing that bringing a new baby home could be so much better.

I became a doula and added maternal mental health training to my skills as a therapist.

I originally offered this class in person but I wanted it to be as accessible as possible so other moms can have it better than I did.


Beyond Birth: Your Guide to Thriving Postpartum
One time

Discover how to craft the perfect family space, nurture the baby's and your well being and feel empowered in this beautiful new chapter of life.

✓ Create the perfect sanctuary for your baby’s growth
✓ Avoid the most common postpartum mistakes
✓ Create a deeper bond with your newborn and partner
✓ 21 videos and worksheets to guide your learning
✓ 30 day money back guarantee

What People Are Saying


“The best part of having Hannah be my doula was the ambiance that Hannah provides! Anytime you are with her she just gives off such a calm and peaceful environment that makes you feel comfortable and confident to be able to ask whatever questions you have! That was my favorite part was just being around Hannah! And also how helpful she was in this whole brand new experience!!…

…Hannah was so amazing to work with, I gave her a few ideas of some things that I needed help with or had questions about, and she would research information and prepare so well for the meetings we had!…It was extremely helpful and useful and every time we met with her, we left feeling much more confident about birth and having a baby!”

—Natalia B

“I am so thankful for this class and the workbook. It was awesome being able to talk with you and other moms about what we can do to prepare for our post-partum journey. There were several things I hadn't considered before so I was grateful to be able to have new perspectives, information, and ideas. My main take away was that I should plan to take more resting time to recover this time for my second baby vs what I did with my first. My other big take away was that there are so many resources/supports I didn't know about that I can use for anything I might need to recover.”

— Mikell

‪(435) 554-8077‬


965 S 100 W #204

Logan, UT 84321

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