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Motherhood Collective Gathering - 2024 Intention Setting

Come and join us in the Motherhood Collective, where we're all about building community, supporting each other, and enjoying well-deserved time for ourselves! This isn't your typical formal meet-up; it's a chance to feel connected, understood, and part of a vibrant community of mothers who really get what you're going through.

This month we're focusing on setting intentions that are all about self-expression, realizing our dreams, and reconnecting with our deeper purpose. We know how easy it is to get caught up in the daily grind, so this is our time to pause, breathe, and think about what brings us joy and fulfillment. Whether you're looking to rediscover an old passion or find a new one, our intention-setting activity is designed to help you manifest your desires and get into a flow that resonates with your life as a mom. So, bring your stories, your dreams, and your whole self – let's create a space where we can all be ourselves, support each other, and have some fun along the way. Can't wait to meet you and share in this journey of motherhood together!

December 9

Motherhood Collective Gathering - Book Club Discussion “Hunt, Gather, Parent”

January 18

Moms That Get Out Together